This event has passed. Please check out photos of the event on our Facebook!
Saturday, March 14, 2020 – 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Spring Hollow Lodge, Franklin County Metroparks
1069 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH 43081
Click here for a map and directions.
Are you planning some spring cleaning? KonMari-ing your stash? Maybe cleaning to make room for more stash?
Join our Spring Stash Sale!

We will have table space available for anyone looking to buy or sell yarns for all fiber crafts, handspun yarn, fabric, fiber tools, fleeces, notions bags – any items that are fiber arts related!
If you are interested in reserving a table to sell fiber arts-related materials, please email [email protected] for details.
Admission for shoppers is free! All are welcome!
We recommend bringing cash or checks, as each seller will have their own preferred method of payments.