This event has passed.

Saturday, March 14, 2020 – 1:00 pm
Spring Hollow Lodge, Franklin County Metroparks
1069 W. Main Street, Westerville, OH 43081
Click here for a map and directions.
Unfortunately, we will have to postpone our presentation on Shetland sheep, as our shepherdess has a fever and no desire to share (she has no symptoms consistent with coronavirus!).
We will still have the stash sale in the morning and the business meeting, including information about elections, as planned.
All the details are on our website! Thank you for understanding!
At 1:00, we will hear from Shave ’em to Save ’em Shepherdess Keba Hitzeman of Innisfree on the Stillwater farm. Keba raises Shetland sheep bred for handspinning-quality fleece, as well as makes beautiful pottery. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to check out her goods!
We will also have the nominating committee will present their report, which includes their recommended slate of officers for the 2020-2021 Guild year. Nominations will also be heard from the floor.

Keba Hitzeman is a woman with an armload of hats she (most days!) enjoys wearing – baseball fan, beekeeper, caregiver, chicken wrangler, daughter, farmer, fiber artist (spinner, knitter, weaver), gamer, gardener, herbalist, musician, nature-lover, potter, shepherdess, teacher, wife.
Find Keba online:
In another life, she taught Spanish in several high schools and colleges in the area. She currently spends her days in the middle of her certified Organic 185 acre farm in Miami County, tending her flock of sheep and goats (registered Shetlands, a mixture of hair sheep, registered Kinder goats and some “Craigslist specials”), working on never-ending farm maintenance projects, serving on the Ohio Food Policy Network steering committee, processing and spinning wool, volunteering with OEFFA, watching the grass grow, and, in true farmer style, complaining about the weather.
Facebook: Innisfree on the Stillwater and Studio at Innisfree
Instagram: Innisfree on the Stillwater