Spring Hollow Lodge Retreat

Spring Hollow Lodge 1069 W. Main Street, Westerville, Ohio

September Retreat at Spring Hollow Lodge

October Guild Meeting

Worthington Park Library, Worthington 1389 Worthington Park Drive, Worthington, OH, United States

Come join us for McLean Nagy’s presentation on mending. She will cover the history and role of mending, as well as trends and forms of mending used around the world.

Controlling Creative Chaos: Focus on the Warp

Spring Hollow Lodge 1069 W. Main Street, Westerville, Ohio

This is a 2-day jam packed class that is guaranteed to give you some new insight into what you are already weaving and what you might add to that in the future. Registration for this workshop opens Sunday, September 15 at 6 pm

November Guild Meeting

Columbus Metro-Dublin Library 75 N. High St., Dublin, Ohio

Upcycle-Recycle Fiberarts Guild Challenge will be presented. The Objective is to find new ways to use old textiles that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

Spring Hollow Lodge Retreat

Spring Hollow Lodge 1069 W. Main Street, Westerville, Ohio

January Retreat at Spring Hollow Lodge

February Guild Meeting

Worthington Park Library, Worthington 1389 Worthington Park Drive, Worthington, OH, United States

Farm to Fashion: a sustainable approach- Celeste Malvar-Stewart sustainable minded fashion and fibre artist trying to create in ethical ways. Farm-to-Fashion; Commerce with conscience

March Guild Meeting

Worthington Park Library, Worthington 1389 Worthington Park Drive, Worthington, OH, United States

Katie Jackson from Flyway Farms will be presenting her work using locally foraged materials to weave baskets.

Intro to Basketweaving with Ryan Back

Blacklick Woods Metro Park. Beech Maple Lodge 6975 E Livingston Ave., Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Cost:  140.00 members; 165.00 non-members. Includes materials fees, so there is no additional costs Class size limit:  10.

April Guild Meeting

Worthington Park Library, Worthington 1389 Worthington Park Drive, Worthington, OH, United States

Come join us for Fiberstories Sustainability! We will be sharing our experience on the intersection of sustainability and our fiberarts craft.