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Saturday, February 15, 2020 – 2:30-4:30 pm
Dublin Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library
75 N. High Street, Dublin, OH
Click here for a map and directions.
Let’s talk about sweaters. You love sweaters but struggle to get the exact fit that you want. Or maybe the fit is mostly right and there’s always one thing that’s off. Or maybe you’d love to make a sweater perfect for you (or someone else) but are too intimidated by the thought of changing anything in the pattern to even try. I’m here to help you realize that making garments that fit you is not that hard. In fact, once you know what to look out for anyone can do it.
We will start with a presentation and follow with a workshop. The presentation will cover the basics of what you need to know to get a good fit. We will talk about fabric characteristics, gauge, ease, measurements, sizing charts and more. Understanding these basic points will get you well on your way to making garments that fit you well. The points will be presented mostly in a knitting context but are universal enough that you can apply them to weaving and sewing projects as well.

In the workshop we will take the points discussed in the presentation and apply them to a real world example. We will all use the same basic knitted sweater design and work through how to adjust the pattern to get the best individualized fit for each student. Each student will learn how to take a detailed set of personal body measurements and will leave with their own set of measurements. We will discuss swatching, how to make a gauge swatch, how to measure gauge, how to read pattern schematics, ease, how to compare your desired garment measurements to the patterns finished measurements, how and why to adjust the pattern in certain areas for desired fit, and how to do some simple math to get us to the best fit. Let’s go make some well fitting sweaters!
This presentation and workshop are based in theory so students do not need to bring any special materials with them. Pen and paper for taking notes are enough. The teacher will provide class handouts, measurement worksheets, and copies of the sweater pattern for the workshop.
Space for this workshop is limited to 10 students.
One morning in 2004 Kathryn rolled over in bed and thought “I have to knit.” She didn’t know how, so she found a local yarn store, bought Debbie Stoller’s Stitch ‘n Bitch book, super bulky yarn and size 13 needles. Knitting has been a central part of her life ever since.
You can find Kathryn’s fiber arts projects on Ravelry.
This passion for yarn and needles led to Kathryn working at Knitters Mercantile for 4 years. She was also one half of the former design duo of Quirky Bird Knits for 4 years. She discovered a love for teaching at the Merc and has taught at 614 Knit Studio and Yarnbyrds as well. Kathryn has taught a wide range of classes – from intensive beginning knitting to brioche to socks (and much more). Her passion is for sweaters and for adjusting patterns to suit the needs of each person. Kathryn works for county government during the day and is mom to two little girls. She is also a history nerd, a lover of period dramas, a spinner, a dyer, a beginning weaver, an optimistic gardener, and a practitioner of Ashtanga yoga. You can often find her plotting and planning how to get her girls (and sometimes her labrador) into as many hand knit items as possible.