This event has passed. Please check out photos of the event on our Facebook!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Columbus School for Girls, Kirk Campus
Click here for a map & directions
Schedule of events:
11:00 – New Weavers Group
12:00 – Social Hour
1:00 – Meeting
New Weavers Group
This is a time to meet with other new weavers and pick the brains of some of our most experienced weavers! All are welcome.
Social Hour
Bring a lunch, catch up with a friend, or get in touch with Donita & Terre for help renewing your membership online.
Our annual welcome back business meeting: we will hear from new officers, show and tell of beautiful things we’ve made over the summer, tutorial on the new website, review the new annual budget and hear about exciting things coming up this Guild year!

Bring anything lovely you’ve made over the summer to show and tell.